VOA Russian - Careers
VOA Russian Service Careers
Thank you for your interest in working with Voice of America's Russian Service!
Please see the list of open federal positions at United States Agency for Global Media, including VOA Russian Service positions, on the USAJobs.gov website. We might not always have federal positions open.
If you are a journalist or a news media professional with relevant digital media skills and you are interested in working with us, please send your resumes and cover letters to VOARussianVacancies@voanews.com. Please note that it will NOT constitute an official application to any of VOA Russian positions, current or future, and we may not be able to respond to all correspondence. To officially apply, you must only use the officially approved websites where the positions are posted, and it can be only done when such positions are available.
If you are looking for an internship with us, please go here.